
Showing posts from September, 2018

Summing up the Snow Trip

With two weeks since we returned from our Snow Trip, this morning we were treated to a lovely video of our memories from the trip.  I'm sure this will bring a smile to the faces of all who attended.  Click here to access .  Please enjoy! I would also appreciate few minutes of your time over the holidays to complete a parent and student survey to give us your thoughts on the trip.  Can each family please complete one parent survey and one student survey.  Please click on the below links to access these. Parent survey . Student survey . 

Assembly Presentation

There will be a 6-7 minute presentation at our assembly on 21 September (9-10.15am) where we will tell the school about our experiences on the snow.  We will have a digital presentation (available for snow trip families early in Term 4) as well as four student speakers.  Parents are welcome to join us at the assembly.

Bib request

We are asking if any students who do not wish to keep their orange bibs would mind returning them to Ms Morris for use on the next snow trip.  Thank you to those who have already done this!

Thank you and congratulations!

Hopefully all of our Snow Trippers have caught up on some well deserved rest over the weekend and had some time to share all their experiences and photos with family and friends.  It certainly was a terrific week and by all accounts, a successful trip! All of this would not have been possible without the commitment, dedication and efforts of a lot of people so here's to hoping we get them all: To all the families that supported their child in attending the trip.  You generously offered your time, money and support to get your child on the slopes and for some, this was a tremendous commitment!  You prepared your children well with everything they needed to bring and encouraged them to step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves.  A big thank you also for your positive approach to our maiden journey and for getting all your forms and payments in on time. To the trip parents - Justin, Liz, Simon, Coral, Dean, Lisa and Jason.  Your positivity, endless smiles and enc

Friday's Update

Bright sunshine and a beautiful mountain line greeted us this morning and we casually emerged from our rooms.  With a morning of packing, cleaning and tobogganing ahead of our return bus ride, everyone was both disappointed to be leaving the snow and excited to get home at the same time.  It was a terrific group effort to get the two lodges in tip top condition before we headed off to the Snow Park to hit the toboggans.  If we hadn't thrown enough snow balls or built enough snow men over the week, everyone made up for it this morning!  A terrific morning to have a play in  the snow.  A quick rental return and speedy taxi to our coach.  We are on our way home and super excited to see our families and friends and tell them all about our week's adventures. A big thank you to all those who have been keeping track of our progress throughout the week.  It has been wonderful to see all the hits on the blogsite.  Hopefully you have enjoyed the photos (the last of them will be goi

Return trip progress.

2.30pm - Just to let you know, a very excited and justifiably tired group has just left Mansfield.  We anticipate one planned stop on the way home but will touch base again when we are about an hour away. We are all looking forward to sharing all our adventures with you all when we get back!

Thursday's Update

White, white, white!  The colour that surrounded us since we woke up in the morning.  The mountain view that has greeted us each morning since we arrived was nowhere in site.  We were in the clouds and remained there all day.  After breakfast we all waited eagerly to see what lifts would open and which were on 'wind hold' before deciding that a free ski before our lessons might not be a great idea.  We hit the slopes on lesson time and were amazed at the low  visibility  that surrounded us.  It was like we were in the middle of a cloud!  With some lifts on hold and winds blowing strongly in certain areas, our groups were restricted to certain parts of the mountain, but as always, this didn't effect the Buninyong spirit!  The skiers were able to hit a few new slopes on the southern side (Wombat and Little Buller Spur) to practice their  parallel  turns and the boarders practice a few new trick and board control activities.  I must say that it was pretty  surreal  travellin

Wednesday's Update

A  slower then usual pace this morning with some aching muscles and tender feet to contend with.  Nonetheless, all minds were set on another successful and action packed day on the slopes with new skills to learn and old ones to practice.  With our departure routine in full swing now, it was an orderly and swift departure in the morning to get to our lessons with enough time to spare for a run or two beforehand.  For those who haven't experienced the snow, getting organised for a day out on the slopes is no easy feat!  In addition to being well rested, fed and hydrated, we need to make sure we have the right clothing on so we're not too hot (yes, hot) or cold, have our helmets, gloves, lift tickets, boards, shoes, sunscreen, bibs, goggles, etc, and get to where we need to be on time.  I must say that the group did a mighty fine job remembering everything today.  A few new instructors met us at the ski school for our morning lesson and we were off in no time. It was fantasti

Tuesday's Update

Another magnificant day at Mt Buller! How lucky can we get! A big thanks to all the dad's (Jason, Justin, Dean and Simon) for their terrific military organisation and direction in the drying and equipment room this morning!  We were all off to a terrific start after a filling breakfast, rehydrating session and clothing check.  We were early to our lessons and most of us enjoyed a couple of runs down Burke St to revisit our skills we learned yesterday before our first lesson at 10am.  Everyone took to the slopes as though it was their 20th day, not their 2nd.  All groups headed for lifts and by the end of the day, some groups had gone beyond Burke St to Baldy and even the Family Run!  There is some footage in the Google Photos link but none of them do justice to the amazing effort the boarders/skiers have put in and progress made over the last 48 hours.  We all cannot believe how much they have improved since first hitting the snow only a day ago.  More impressive than the skill i

Monday's Update

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB! Our first day on the slopes and our first two lessons for the week.  With a few excited souls waking up early, we were delighted with a delicious breakfast organised by Jasmine (our lodge host).  Everyone filled their bellies ready for the day.  With the sun shining again (how lucky can we get), sunscreen was a must - if you can believe that!  A quick explore outside before a bit of a crazy rush to get on all our equipment - this included comments such as 'Why do I have two left boots?' , 'My foot wont fit!', 'My gloves are sewn together on the inside', 'Who's stolen my boots?' and 'You've got your vest on sideways!'.  None-the-less, we all boarded the bus and made it to our lessons on time.  We were all split up into groups of around eight, skiers in some groups and boarders in others.  By the end of the first session, all snow trippers were on one of the runs on Burke St with some venturing on the chair lift. 

Sunday's Update

What a beautiful day to arrive at our magnificent location!  After a little bit of a late start, our coach ride to Mt Buller went smoothly at to plan.  We had a sunny lunch break in Mansfield and it is with pleasure the vomit bag remain unused, even as we wound our way up the mountain.  The excitement kept building as the snow  coverage  increased and the views continued on forever. It took a total of 30 seconds before the first snow ball was thrown.  After dropping off our bags at our lodges (both of which are wonderfully warm), the group headed off to collect their hire equipment and toast marshmallows in the village square to some lively music as the sun set.  Back to the lodge for a yummy pasta meal before excitedly heading to bed in preparation for tomorrow's lessons.

Slight bus delay on departure this morning.

Good morning Snow Trippers!  Just letting you know that the bus is running 30-45 minutes behind schedule due to some technical difficulties (don't worry, they changed the bus over).  We will still meet at the planned time but just letting you know there might be a bit of a wait before we board - enough time for a pre-departure group photo! ​See you all very soon!!!