Trip Updates

Sunday, 2 September, 2018

What a beautiful day to arrive at our magnificent location!  After a little bit of a late start, our coach ride to Mt Buller went smoothly at to plan.  We had a sunny lunch break in Mansfield and it is with pleasure the vomit bag remain unused, even as we wound our way up the mountain.  The excitement kept building as the snow coverage increased and the views continued on forever. It took a total of 30 seconds before the first snow ball was thrown.  After dropping off our bags at our lodges (both of which are wonderfully warm), the group headed off to collect their hire equipment and toast marshmellows in the village square to some lively music as the sun set.  Back to the lodge for a yummy pasta meal before excitedly heading to bed in preparation for tomorrow's lessons.

Monday, 3 September, 2018


Our first day on the slopes and our first two lessons for the week.  With a few excited souls waking up early, we were delighted with a delicious breakfast organised by Jasmine (our lodge host).  Everyone filled their bellies ready for the day.  With the sun shining again (how lucky can we get), sunscreen was a must - if you can believe that!  A quick explore outside before a bit of a crazy rush to get on all our equipment - this included comments such as 'Why do I have two left boots?' , 'My foot wont fit!', 'My gloves are sewn together on the inside', 'Who's stolen my boots?' and 'You've got your vest on sideways!'.  None-the-less, we all boarded the bus and made it to our lessons on time.  We were all split up into groups of around eight, skiers in some groups and boarders in others.  By the end of the first session, all snow trippers were on one of the runs on Burke St with some venturing on the chair lift.  We all met up in ABOM restaurant for lunch where we again replenished our energy stores and then we were off to our second lesson.  The improvement between the two lessons was excellent with everyone experiencing success in their chosen method.  There were many face plants, people ending up cuddling pylons, wet bottoms, many, MANY snowballs thrown and tangled skis, but above all, a lot of smiles.  Tired and weary, some people headed back to the lodge at the conclusion of the second lesson while some brave souls stayed on the mountain until the lifts closed at 5pm.  The group spent the rest of the evening oil painting, chatting, playing games, chilling out in the TV room, playing pool and enjoying home made pizzas.  Of course there was a birthday cake for everyone to enjoy too.  Everyone is deservedly tired and I'm sure lights out will be a lot easier tonight.

Tuesday, 4 September, 2018
Another magnificant day at Mt Buller! How lucky can we get! A big thanks to all the dad's (Jason, Justin, Dean and Simon) for their terrific military organisation and direction in the drying and equipment room this morning!  We were all off to a terrific start after a filling breakfast, rehydrating session and clothing check.  We were early to our lessons and most of us enjoyed a couple of runs down Burke St to revisit our skills we learned yesterday before our first lesson at 10am.  Everyone took to the slopes as though it was their 20th day, not their 2nd.  All groups headed for lifts and by the end of the day, some groups had gone beyond Burke St to Baldy and even the Family Run!  There is some footage in the Google Photos link but none of them do justice to the amazing effort the boarders/skiers have put in and progress made over the last 48 hours.  We all cannot believe how much they have improved since first hitting the snow only a day ago.  More impressive than the skill improvement is the positivity and the drive that the snow trippers are exhibiting as they continue to face new challenges and push new boundaries.  The day was extended on the slopes by most after the last lesson and stayed until the sun set behind the summit.  What a way to finish the day!  Back to the lodge for a warm shower, lovely dinner and desert and terrific trivia night thanks to Justin! A well deserved rest is on the cards tonight. 

Wednesday, 5 September, 2018
A slower then usual pace this morning with some aching muscles and tender feet to contend with.  Nonetheless, all minds were set on another successful and action packed day on the slopes with new skills to learn and old ones to practice.  With our departure routine in full swing now, it was an orderly and swift departure in the morning to get to our lessons with enough time to spare for a run or two beforehand.  For those who haven't experienced the snow, getting organised for a day out on the slopes is no easy feat!  In addition to being well rested, fed and hydrated, we need to make sure we have the right clothing on so we're not too hot (yes, hot) or cold, have our helmets, gloves, lift tickets, boards, shoes, sunscreen, bibs, goggles, etc, and get to where we need to be on time.  I must say that the group did a mighty fine job remembering everything today.  A few new instructors met us at the ski school for our morning lesson and we were off in no time. It was fantastic to see all our orange vests filling up the hillside as everyone hurtled, tumbled, plowed, carved and slid their way down.  A fulling lunch at ABOM restaurant again, a quick run or two, then off to the afternoon lesson.  New runs where explored today, including Shaky Knees, Family Run, Tyrol and Windless Marissa.  There were even some adventurous boarders who took some brave jumps at the ski park!  After another very successful time on the slopes, the group called it a day on the snow after the last lesson, heading back to our lodge for a quick freshen up before most heading back to the village square for a quick shop (the most popular item were the hot doughnuts that we have been enviously smelling all week).  Back for a delicious shepherds pie and desert before heading off to see a screening of Incredibles 2.  Another terrific day on Buller!  

Thursday, 6 September, 2018
White, white, white!  The colour that surrounded us since we woke up in the morning.  The mountain view that has greeted us each morning since we arrived was nowhere in site.  We were in the clouds and remained there all day.  After breakfast we all waited eagerly to see what lifts would open and which were on 'wind hold' before deciding that a free ski before our lessons might not be a great idea.  We hit the slopes on lesson time and were amazed at the low visibility that surrounded us.  It was like we were in the middle of a cloud!  With some lifts on hold and winds blowing strongly in certain areas, our groups were restricted to certain parts of the mountain, but as always, this didn't effect the Buninyong spirit!  The skiers were able to hit a few new slopes on the southern side (Wombat and Little Buller Spur) to practice their parallel turns and the boarders practice a few new trick and board control activities.  I must say that it was pretty surreal travelling up the chairlift and not being able to tell where the sky met the ground.  Everything was white!  Today certainly proved that those 'must haves' on the packing list really were 'must haves'.  Lunch again was at ABOM and, given the weather, students were able to chose to stay on for their last lesson or head back to the lodge.  The group split and some went back to dry out whilst others chose to do a few more runs before handing our equipment back to the rental shop.  Celebrity Heads followed another delicious dinner (chicken and smashed potatoes with cheesecake for desert) as well as the Richmond vs Hawthorn final airing in the movie room.  Very tired and satisfied bodies hitting the hay tonight.  An air of disappointment in knowing that the we are leaving the mountain tomorrow but also excitement at seeing family and friends to share our stories with.

Friday, 7 September, 2018
