Friday's Update

Bright sunshine and a beautiful mountain line greeted us this morning and we casually emerged from our rooms.  With a morning of packing, cleaning and tobogganing ahead of our return bus ride, everyone was both disappointed to be leaving the snow and excited to get home at the same time.  It was a terrific group effort to get the two lodges in tip top condition before we headed off to the Snow Park to hit the toboggans.  If we hadn't thrown enough snow balls or built enough snow men over the week, everyone made up for it this morning!  A terrific morning to have a play in  the snow.  A quick rental return and speedy taxi to our coach.  We are on our way home and super excited to see our families and friends and tell them all about our week's adventures.

A big thank you to all those who have been keeping track of our progress throughout the week.  It has been wonderful to see all the hits on the blogsite.  Hopefully you have enjoyed the photos (the last of them will be going on shortly).  Please feel free to download the ones you wish to keep. 

We will be seeing you all soon!
