Wednesday's Update

A slower then usual pace this morning with some aching muscles and tender feet to contend with.  Nonetheless, all minds were set on another successful and action packed day on the slopes with new skills to learn and old ones to practice.  With our departure routine in full swing now, it was an orderly and swift departure in the morning to get to our lessons with enough time to spare for a run or two beforehand.  For those who haven't experienced the snow, getting organised for a day out on the slopes is no easy feat!  In addition to being well rested, fed and hydrated, we need to make sure we have the right clothing on so we're not too hot (yes, hot) or cold, have our helmets, gloves, lift tickets, boards, shoes, sunscreen, bibs, goggles, etc, and get to where we need to be on time.  I must say that the group did a mighty fine job remembering everything today.  A few new instructors met us at the ski school for our morning lesson and we were off in no time. It was fantastic to see all our orange vests filling up the hillside as everyone hurtled, tumbled, plowed, carved and slid their way down.  A fulling lunch at ABOM restaurant again, a quick run or two, then off to the afternoon lesson.  New runs where explored today, including Shaky Knees, Family Run, Tyrol and Windless Marissa.  There were even some adventurous boarders who took some brave jumps at the ski park!  After another very successful time on the slopes, the group called it a day on the snow after the last lesson, heading back to our lodge for a quick freshen up before most heading back to the village square for a quick shop (the most popular item were the hot doughnuts that we have been enviously smelling all week).  Back for a delicious shepherds pie and desert before heading off to see a screening of Incredibles 2.  Another terrific day on Buller!
