Thursday's Update

White, white, white!  The colour that surrounded us since we woke up in the morning.  The mountain view that has greeted us each morning since we arrived was nowhere in site.  We were in the clouds and remained there all day.  After breakfast we all waited eagerly to see what lifts would open and which were on 'wind hold' before deciding that a free ski before our lessons might not be a great idea.  We hit the slopes on lesson time and were amazed at the low visibility that surrounded us.  It was like we were in the middle of a cloud!  With some lifts on hold and winds blowing strongly in certain areas, our groups were restricted to certain parts of the mountain, but as always, this didn't effect the Buninyong spirit!  The skiers were able to hit a few new slopes on the southern side (Wombat and Little Buller Spur) to practice their parallel turns and the boarders practice a few new trick and board control activities.  I must say that it was pretty surreal travelling up the chairlift and not being able to tell where the sky met the ground.  Everything was white!  Today certainly proved that those 'must haves' on the packing list really were 'must haves'.  Lunch again was at ABOM and, given the weather, students were able to chose to stay on for their last lesson or head back to the lodge.  The group split and some went back to dry out whilst others chose to do a few more runs before handing our equipment back to the rental shop.  Celebrity Heads followed another delicious dinner (chicken and smashed potatoes with cheesecake for desert) as well as the Richmond vs Hawthorn final airing in the movie room.  Very tired and satisfied bodies hitting the hay tonight.  An air of disappointment in knowing that the we are leaving the mountain tomorrow but also excitement at seeing family and friends to share our stories with.
