Welcome to the 2018 Snow Trip Blogsite

Welcome to the 2018 Snow Trip Blogsite.  You should find all the information for the trip on this blogsite to assist in your organisational matters and to keep track of what the group are up to in the lead up and on the trip.  We hope you find this helpful.

Updates will still come to you via our Compass emails in addition to this site.

Trip Information

2-7 September, 2018

Mt Buller

The total amount for the trip is $1268 (per student) and $430 (per adult) and will need to be paid in accordance to the payment schedule. Please note that all deposits will be non-refundable.
The cost includes:
  • 5 nights accomodation (Amber Lodge/Aeski Lodge)
  • 5 x dinners, lunches and breakfasts (packed lunch required on the first day)
  • Return coach transfer
  • Ski/Boarding lessons (x8)
  • Ski/Boarding hire (including helmet)
  • Lift tickets
  • Mountain entry
  • Toboggan Hire
  • Cinema ticket
  • Hi vis vest
  • Safety lanyard
Students will need to supply their own:
  • Ski jacket and pants
  • Ski goggles
  • Ski gloves
  • Other items as identified on the Packing List

The group will be staying at Aeski and Amber Lodge, located a one minute walk away from each other.  Aeski has been booked out entirely by our group and we are looking at having the extras (approximately three adults and 11 students) staying at Amber Lodge.  All meals (excluding lunches), meetings and activities will take place at Aeski.
Students will be sleeping in mix of triple, quad and six-share rooms (some rooms contain two single beds pushed together and others on bunks).  They will need to bring their own pillow cases, single doona cover (or sleeping bag) and a flat sheet to fit a king single bed. Rooming and lodge arrangements will be decided at a later date.

Trip Insurance:
As part of the trip cost, the school will be purchasing an insurance policy for each student and adults attending the trip.  We will be purchasing trip insurance through VMIA as recommended through the Department of Education and Training. Please click here to view the Travel Policy.  Please click here to view the Travel Policy Wording.
Please be aware that medical expenses are not covered in the VMIA policy.  You are still required to provide us with a current Ambulance Membership number (along with other information) before 1 August, 2018 via this link.   

Staff and parents attending:
Staff: Claire Morris, Deb Hunter and Jess Micallef
Parents: Coral Stone, Justine Staggard, Dean Taylor, Jason Gibson, Simon Smith, Liz Lucas and Lisa Cressey.
All correspondence to date has been sent through our school’s Compass portal (including this letter).  We will continue to use this method up until our trip. If you have not yet received any information from Compass in your emails, can you please check your spam folder and contact the front office to confirm your details if it does not appear.  Alternatively, please contact me to let me know any issues.
Jess Micallef (thornton.jessica.s@edumail.vic.gov.au) – all money, optional extras, student/parent
administration matters (including medical information).
Deb Hunter (hunter.deborah.j@edumail.vic.gov.au) – all education, clothing, packing and on mountain matters.
Claire Morris (morris.claire.l@edumail.vic.gov.au) – for any other enquiries.
Medication permission:
If your child requires any medication whilst on the trip, please ensure the Medical Authority Form is completed
and the medication is clearly labelled inside a bag.  This will need to be given to Jess Micallef prior to departure
on 2 September, 2018.  Please feel free to catch up with her beforehand if you wish to speak to her in detail
about your child’s medical needs.
We would also like to gain your permission to administer Paracetamol to your child should we need to.  We will
endeavour to contact you prior to the administration of Paracetamol, but in the case we cannot, we would
need your permission to administer.  Please complete the Paracetamol consent form and return to Jess Micallef
as soon as possible.
Ski Essentials Optional Extras:
The Ski Essentials Optional Extras is available to purchase or hire if required by families.  This is not a
requirement but an option to assist in getting all the necessary clothing for the trip.  One option is to purchase
(Ski Essentials Optional Extras Information) gloves, socks, beanie, goggles and neck warmer which you will get
to keep.  There is another option to hire a jacket and pants (note you do not need to hire a helmet as this is
part of our package deal).  More information on the hire and to place your order can be found on the
Ski Essentials Optional Extras Order Form.  Please note that this is due with payment by 22 June, 2018.  
Payments can be made at the office or via QKR.
